Thank you to all those who made the 2024 Tribal Exchange Network Conference a success!
#TENC24 - Tribal Data: Sharing Stories, Supporting the Future
Visit the TENC24 event website for access to recordings, presentations, and more information.
Previous Events
2022 Tribal Exchange Network Conference (TENC)
OCT. 18-20, 2022 | FLAGSTAFF, AZ & ONLINE
TENC 2022 saw over 120 attendees, making it the largest TENC yet! During the hybrid event’s two days, attendees heard from over 30 speakers from Tribes, EPA, and other agencies as they discussed their experiences and shared their expertise on data management and the Exchange Network (EN).
2020 Virtual Data Academy & Conference
OCT. 26-28, 2020 | ONLINE
Due to Covid, the Tribal Exchange Network’s 2020 Conference was held virtually, though that didn’t stop folks attending online - we had a great turnout for our online trainings and presentations, which you can view below.
2019 Tribal Data and Technology Academy (Tribal-DATA)
NOV. 5-7, 2019 | FLAGSTAFF, AZ
In 2019, TXG held its inaugural in-person Tribal Data and Technology Academy event in Flagstaff, Arizona. Dubbed “Tribal-DATA”, the event offered workshop sessions on data management, creating a GIS project in ArcMap, and the basics of SQL databases, the event’s attendees walked away with new resources and critical tools to use in their everyday work.
2018 Tribal Exchange Network Conference
FEB. 27-28, 2018 | TUCSON, AZ
The 2018 conference agenda boasted a variety of presentations as well as a poster session, and a Vendor Reception designed to help foster interactions among conference attendees.
2017 Tribal Exchange Network Conference
FEB. 28 - MAR. 1, 2017 | ALPINE, CA
This year’s three-day conference included dedicated Data Clinics, and learning tracks, featuring water quality monitoring, ATTAINS projects, national datasets, and one-on-one assistance for attendees.
2016 Tribal Exchange Network Conference
FEB. 9-10, 2016 | ALBUQUERQUE, NM
Nearly one-third of the attendees at this year’s conference had little to no experience with the Exchange Network prior to the Conference, and attended to learn more about the Exchange Network, how to fund projects, and hear what other tribes have accomplished.
2015 Tribal Exchange Network Conference
The2015 Tribal Exchange Network Conference (Tribal-EN), hosted by the Gila River IndianCommunity, was held February 4 and 5 just outside of Phoenix, Arizona.Attended by nearly 100people representing over 40 tribal organizations and a dozen public and private entities, thisyear’s Conference was the most well attended offering in its history.