The TXG’s mission is to support Tribal management, analysis, and sharing of environmental data so that it can be used to advocate for Tribal interests, preserve Tribal lifeways, maintain cultural integrity, and enhance Tribal members’ sense of place.
Promote Tribal sovereignty by empowering Tribes to make informed environmental decisions.
Facilitate access to training, resources, funding, and tools for improving data management and exchange solutions for Tribal environmental departments and programs.
Communicate and collaborate with US EPA and Exchange Network (EN) partners to increase understanding of the unique Tribal cultural values and environmental concerns. TXG advocates with partners for Tribes by:
Communicating Tribal environmental data management issues and opportunities.
Identifying relevant resources to help Tribes meet their environmental protection goals.
Promoting Tribal access, equity, and inclusion within the EN and with partners.

Who We Are
The Tribal Exchange Network Group (TXG) is comprised of Tribal professionals experienced with managing, sharing, and analyzing environmental data. From Data Technicians to Environmental Directors, from coding geeks to grant writers, and from air, to water, to brownfields and beyond, TXG members have experience in all aspects of environmental data management.
Frank Harjo
Angie Reed
Alena Reynolds
April Hathcoat
Brianda Hernandez
Darold Wallick
Lisa Gover
Sheryn Olson
Our Partners
We’re constantly working to increase services and opportunities for Tribes - if you feel you or your organization may be able to provide services, talents, or time to build Tribal capacity in environmental programs, please reach out using the button below.
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) holds the Cooperative Agreement with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the Tribal Exchange Network Group’s (TXG) work through the Exchange Network (EN). ITEP’s responsibility and role is to support TXG’s work through the TXG 5-year Strategic Plan and annual Work Plans, with guidance and direction from TXG members. ITEP exists to support Tribes, Tribal environmental professionals, and the important work that TXG and its members do.
The EPA’s Office of Information Management (OIM) supports the work of the Exchange Network (EN) for all, including funding for TXG and Tribes through cooperative agreements and its EN Grant program.
The Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) represents states in the Exchange Network, and supports the work and goals of its members. TXG works with ECOS through Exchange Network programming and works to strengthen Tribal priorities for states through ECOS.
In coordination with E-Enterprise for the Environment (EE), U.S. EPA, states, and tribes are working together to transform the way we implement programs, as a shared responsibility, into a national enterprise for environmental protection that will benefit the regulated community and the public as well as governments and co-regulators.
TXG Staff
TXG Members at the 2024 Tribal Exchange Network Conference (TENC) in Spokane, Washington.
Lydia Scheer
Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
(928) 523-6887